Saturday, August 23, 2008

Back... and with 24.5 miles!!!

Marathon Plan - Regressive Countdown - Week Sixteen
08/11/08 - 08/17/08
Week Total: 24.5

Hi friends, I've missed you as I've missed running. From July 07th till August 02nd I was pretty much in jail. 2 weeks in Huntsville, AL, and 2 weeks in Washington DC, logging very long work hours. I worked 85 hours in one of those weeks. We had a deadline, and "get it done" was the task.... As you can imagine, my priority, other than work, was to sleep... Needing to cross the country for each of these trips added to my exhaustion. I was pretty much destroyed.

The results of this involuntary hiatus was a total of 16 miles in five weeks. SIXTEEN!!!! When I do 16 miles in a week it is a low-mileage week!!!!!!! Fortunately it's over.

I started on the 11th my marathon training plan and it went way better than expected. Although I found out I lost all speed I gained during my first portion of the year, my endurance was still there.

This week#16 was not free of travel, of course. I did my speed work in Seattle, but I had again to cross the country to Philadelphia on Wednesday. When I arrived at 3pm I felt I needed to run. But it's summer, right? and Philly was HOT! So, no choice but a hot gym to run 8 miles on the treadmill. I needed to pour cold water on me every 20 minutes, as the temperature in the whole hotel was 78F!!!!!! Anyway, I felt successful.

Back home I found there was a heat wave in Seattle. So my long run on Sunday morning was at 75F. A High School in my route had their sprinklers system on and one of the valves was broken, so every time I passed I took a delicious shower to refresh myself. Another successful day completing 12.4 miles.

Happy to be back.... and with 24.5 miles!!! Now, I am going to catch up with your stories...