There was not a single race available this weekend, for distances 13.1 miles and above. From the Canadian border to South Olympia all runs were 5Ks dedicated to St. Patty, being Joint Base Lewis McChord, JBLM, the only offering also a 10K. This translated to: I am on my own for my long run.
Plan A was to run on Friday the 13-miler at whatever pace my body dictates. Plan B was to run the 10K @ JBLM, and 7 additional miles either before, after or both. The plan C was to run the ~6K in another St. Patty’s in Seattle and 9 additional miles either before, after or both. Plan D was not to do a long run at all.
I had a lot to do at the office on Friday as I have to fly to So Cal on Monday. I got home at 5:30. A 13-miler would’ve been miserable in the rain, cold and dark, especially when my long runs are slow and l-o-o-o-ong if alone. In addition I was sore for my week’s workouts. On Tuesday I had brutal hills repeats. 3 reps of 3 sets easy/moderate/hard. I stuck with Monica, Nikki and Annabelle. They are very fast for me, so I needed to give everything I had to see what my limits were. I did. After rep 6 I was about to puke. However, the highlight of the workout was rep 9. I took off running all-out trying to avoid that Monica closed the gap between us. It was a race, but not because I wanted to beat her, but because I knew, that as long as I had her breathing on my neck, I had strength. As soon as she passed me, I was done. Fortunately this happened getting to the top. We ran that hill at 8:10 min/mile. Success!!! Between this workout and Thursday’s workout of 8-100m strides @ 7:30 min/mile I didn’t want to drag myself in a solitaire misery. Plan A failed.
On Saturday I drove a bunch of miles again, this time South to JBLM in a pouring rain day. Started my Plan B, running some miles before the race. I was very enthusiastic, but I was bothered with something, legs felt like lead and, as I was getting further from the start line, I was getting nervous that I didn’t have enough time to come back. I thought the 10K itself was going to be horrible and I only logged 1.8 miles pre-race.
The gun is shot and here I go, running in a way that had nothing to do with the previous 1.8 miles. The Ks are flying and, at the 5K mark I noticed that I am possibly PRing. At 7K I know that the PR is a fact, but I also know that I finally have the chance to break the hour. A goal that I have wanted for more than a year. 8K, 9K, finish line. Soaked to my bones I clocked 57:58, a PR by 2:30 minutes. Got 3rd in the division, and because continued downpouring, Plan B was out of the question.
Now, thanks again to the girls for the hills push and to Coach, who, indeed
lectured me this week but for different reasons. He cannot be anonymous Coach any longer. He shall be Chuck, and, not only Chuck, he has to be, and everytime I mention everything related to him has to be linked. So, from now on,
Coach is
Chuck, and
Chuck is
I also stand corrected. “The Intimidator” told me “
I felt bad after reading the blog. And BTW, nobody was running 5:30 min/mile”. No? I asked. How fast?
5:50… Ah OK!!!! I want “The Intimidator” to know that if I call him like that is as a compliment and never because I feel he does it in purpose!!!
So Plan C is still available and I decided to log the miles after the St. Patty’s Dash. A massive race of an odd distance of 3.8 miles / 6.1 K, where la crème de la crème, the best Western Washington runners participate. Though under constant rain, I ran a good race at 9:09 min/mile for a 34:44. As I saw my boss running with a keg (yes, a keg), I decided to wait for him. In the meantime a friend invited to have breakfast. Raining, beer, food, excuses... What the heck. After a fantastic speedy week with hills reps, strides, 10K, & 6K, I went for Plan D. No long run at all.
Chuck, forgive me this one. The blame is to the Leprechauns.
Leprechauns Don't Run Too Far.
10K @ JBLM |
10K @ JBLM |
10K @ JBLM |
3.8 Miles St. Patty's Dash, Seattle |
3.8 Miles St. Patty's Dash, Seattle- Boss and buddy carried a keg. They pass it to each other every minute. |
3.8 Miles St. Patty's Dash, Seattle- Boss and buddy carried a keg. They pass it to each other every minute. |