For all these past 5 years I have been saying I don’t like running, that I only like and love racing. Oh, if I could have 3 races a week I would not even have to think about running. Summer is the only season that makes my life easier offering races on Fridays and sometimes Wednesdays. And as I really didn’t like running, I have trained as minimum as possible using Furman’s plan because it calls for three days a week. While Furman paces for the long runs were hard to hit, I still did OK.
I had a fantastic 2011 when I PRd all the distances. I had been very happy with my performance, but I truly believe that I have more in the tank… but how to get that fuel out of the tank? I asked myself if I would dare to train more often which was a tough question for a person that was convinced she didn’t like running. I thought that putting more miles indeed would make a difference, so I planned to add mileage to my feet and legs. Now, how I am going to get out the door to do this?
And on January 2nd, at the first race of the year, Michelle shows up on stage.
M: Are you Lizzie?
L: Yes.
M: Hi, I am Michelle from Puyallup.
L: Oh, Michelle, how are you doing?
M: Fine, I moved up here.
L: Oh, really? Let’s run together.
M: Cool
L: Let’s start in February as I am running Houston, and currently working 60 hrs a week for an important milestone at work.
M: Deal
Then magic happened. A sort of spell was put on me.
4:45 am alarm goes off and 3 days a week, or 4, for the last month and a half, I’ve jumped out of bed, for a snowy, wet, cold, and dark run. I just dress very warm, and go like if I am a kid to be taken to play in the park. And now, I can only say that I love running. And after all, all those miles have paid off in a great way, giving me enough endurance to beat my own personal records, time after time.
But it’s not those broken PRs what make me say I love running now. It is the company that has made running easier, lovely, and enjoyable. I got something I didn’t have before. Every morning each run gives room for a talk about the full moon, our wonderful kids, our adorable husbands, about friends, studies, work, faith, family, movies, books, jokes, food, races, sharing a happy moment, sharing a sad moment. It’s when we are out there no matter how crazy the weather is feeling the delicious rain or snow on our faces. It is when we are out there literally hitting the pavement with the world at our feet. It is when we are out there performing the best of our runs.
There are no pressures, no masks, no pretensions, no time to be measured. It is a trouble-free run. It is The Naked Run.