Last week I knew I was close to decide if to work exclusively to improve 5K speed or to run a marathon. Because all the fall marathon's plans must start NOW, I started my week working a marathon plan for a possible marathon in the fall. Emphasis in "possible" as the decision still was floating around.
I worked my intervals, my first long run of 10 miles and my tempo (Seafair Torchlight Race *). And it was finally after this race that I made my decision.
Something clicked. I feel so good racing every weekend, I enjoy so much the racing environment and the post race parties. Seeing some of the same runners week after week, and knowing that you belong to something...
Yes, Speed It Is. And I am gonna work so hard to decrease that PR of 28:22.
(*) 4,300 runners (between 5K and 8K). The race started at 6:45 pm and it was HOT... Upper 80's and high humidity... It was nice to go under the mist that Seattle Metropolitan Medical Team had for us. I ran good (9:38) despite the muggy day.
Division 10/69 - Overall Female 195/1007 - Overall 481/1653
The post race party was at FX McRory's in front of Quest Field and it was GREAT. When my beautiful daughter and I got in the feeling was that of a sauna. Hundred of runners all sweat in a hot night!!! But it was FUN!!!