Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Under the Weather

Phase I - Week Four
06/18/07 - 06/24/07
Week Total: 0 miles

I did not include hiatus in my training. The Zero week was enough. But at the beginning of the week I started to feel under the weather.

I needed seriously to take care of the cold, because if complicates with asthma, by experience, I know where I end: in the ER with pneumonia. Therefore I took it easy.

Did some research and all the running advices were the same: if your cold includes your chest, rest. But certainly no advice was needed. It was just common sense. My shoes stayed in the closet for the whole week, while my respiratory system was challenging me.

In addition, my training mate, my beautiful Alejandra, is also out of the picture. She sprained her ankle. Her hiatus will be definitely longer than mine.

Week 4 - 0w x 0r - Bummer!!!

Lessons Learned:
No matter how much you plan, there'll always be something unexpected.

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